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Incident response plan can be crucial for dry cleaners

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Dry Cleaning Regulations

Dry cleaning businesses use hazardous chemicals daily. An accidental spill or release of these substances often harms the environment and human health. That is why a well-crafted incident response plan is crucial.

Why an incident response plan matters

Dry cleaners often use chemicals like perchloroethylene (PERC), a known air pollutant. Spills, leaks or improper disposal of these chemicals can contaminate soil, groundwater and the air. This can harm the environment and result in significant legal and financial problems for the business.

For example, if a chemical spill is not contained quickly, it can contaminate soil and water. This can mean expensive cleanup costs and potential legal actions against the business.

California has strict environmental laws regarding the handling, storing and disposing of hazardous materials. Businesses that do not follow these rules can face heavy fines, legal issues and damage to their reputation.

Building a robust incident response plan

A well-crafted incident response plan should detail the steps a business will take in case of an accidental release of hazardous chemicals, including:

Identification of potential hazards

Emergency contact information

Evacuation procedures

Containment procedures

Cleanup procedures

Employee training


When you invest time and resources into developing a comprehensive plan, you help reduce risks, protect the environment, ensure employee safety during emergencies and maintain your business’ reputation.

If your business faces legal trouble due to alleged non-compliance, it is crucial to talk to a legal professional for personalized advice. They can provide advice and help protect your business int